Last seen: Nov 30, 2024
Ah that's wonderful Patrick, I also have a copy of this deck - it is a wonderful tarot, rather small but packed with symbolism. It synthesises many di...
Take the terms 'limbo', 'purgatory' and 'paradise' in their meaning as undersetood by analogy and you have a clear and precise formula for the working...
Some Notes on The Emperor The Emperor has authority. It signifies the pathway between Chokmah and Binah and completion of the divine name, Iod He Vau ...
GOMebes taught in his Tarot Major course: We can see here the theological scheme of the Divine Trinity: God in God, or God the Father; God manifesting...
In his book on tarot symbolism, Ouspensky wrote in his vision of The Empress: How can you smile so joyfully on the opening flowers, when everything is...
If The Magician of GOM shows us how to neutralise binaries, The High Priestess accomplishes magical equilibrium. To achieve this one must have a healt...
In his Tarot Majors Course, GOM begins the lesson by talking about binaries - 'the totality of two polar opposite regions' - using the example of the ...