Remembrance of God

And in the first states of trust, four miracles befall you. These are the signs and evidence of your attainment of the first degree of trust.

These signs are crossing the earth, walking on water, traversing the air, and being fed by the universe. And that is the reality within the door.

After that, stations and states and miracles and revelations come to you continuously until death.


And if you do not stop with this, He reveals to you the surface signs, you will be admonished with terrors and many sorts of states will befall you. You will see clearly the apparatus of transformations; how the dense becomes subtle and the subtle dense.

And if you do not stop with this the light of the scattering of sparks will become visible to you, and there will be a need to veil yourself from it. Do not be afraid, and persevere in the remembrance of God, for if you persevere in the remembrance of God, disaster will not overcome.

Ibn ‘Arabi, The Journey to the Lord of Power

Hidden Stargate


“I’m here!”

I had appeared,
And whence I came knew not
The captains of this ice-bound station,
Staging post for secret stops.

All around me, calls, confusion,
Did they know and were they shocked,
Knowing I’d traversed the gateway,
Breached the time, the shield of clocks?

“Still my heart!”
One’s will commanded.
“Should I hide?”
The reason wondered.
But before ‘twas weighed, decided,
All sped past me, called: “It’s coming!”

So, it seemed, the point I went through –
Fortune had decreed its safety –
Fabled portal, scene of landing,
Far-off, frozen, hidden stargate.

Words formed in my awe-struck eye-mind:
‘So the lantern of the night sky
Sails into this place for service.’
I must see this once, this lifetime!’

A sloped and hazardous deck
Above un-named oblivion,
Drew me near its icy edge,
Beheld I vast dominions.