The Incredible Left Eye

Lucas’ heart had started to beat rather quickly. He assumed this was because his actions were illicit and somewhat unscrupulous, but this was not the only reason.
Also helping to raise his pulse was the extraordinarily potent white light that was emanating from number eleven.
Lucas could never have guessed that powerful, electromagnetic waves were drawing him nearer; he could no more have resisted the force than he could have hit himself hard with a mallet or swallowed his own underpants.
Inching forwards that little bit further, he failed to notice that his will was drifting away and his mind falling – second by second and with mathematical precision – into an inescapable, hypnotic trance.
Later he would note having felt a novel sensation of super-intelligence, which left him with a glow of total well-being, but also an ongoing and relentless desire for more: More of the intelligence and more of what he saw.
There was a two-inch gap between the pale green curtains and the top part of the window was open slightly. Like a lunatic, Lucas jammed his face up against the glass. His jaw dropped as he saw what was inside the narrow room.
Kneeling serenely in the middle of the floor, staring straight at Lucas with eyes that saw something other than him, was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.
Quite what it was that set her apart from other females, he could not have said, but weirdly, a visible ray of light spilled out from her left eye in a clearly discernible beam. Or perhaps it was pouring into her left eye from some external force. It was not clear which.
Whatever the case may have been, the woman pierced the depths of his soul with the light from her incredible left eye.
And then there was the sound….