Tag: head
The Candle and the Moth
I remember one night lying sleepless in bed,
That I heard what the moth to the fair candle said:
“A lover am I, if I burn it is well!
Why you should lie weeping and burning, do tell.”
“Oh my poor humble lover!” the caudle replied,
“My friend, the sweet honey away from we hied.
When sweetness away from my body departs,
A fire-like Farhads to my summit then starts.”
Thus she spoke, and each movement a torrent of pain
Adown her pale cheeks trickled freely like rain.
“Oh, suitor! with love you have nothing to do,
Since nor patience, nor power of standing have you.
Oh, crude one! a flame makes you hasten away;
But I, till completely consumed, have to stay.
If the burning of love makes your wings feel this heat,
See how I am consumed, from the head to the feet!”
But a very small portion had passed of the night
When a fairy-fated maiden extinguished her light.
She was saying while smoke from her head curled above,
“Thus ends, oh my boy, the existence of love!”
If the love-making science you wish to acquire,
You’re more happy extinguished than being on fire.
Do not weep o’er the grave of the slain for the friend:
Be glad! for to him lie will mercy extend.
If a lover, don’t wash the complaint from your head!
I have told you: don’t enter this ocean at all!
If you do; yield your life to the hurricane squall!
Conversation between the Candle and the Moth, translation G S Davie
At a certain point it was suggested to me that I should maybe go to Atlantis.
Now, I have for long been convinced of the reality of time travel – which is pretty much a scientific fact now anyway – and although I didn’t fancy this Atlantis trip (the idea never had much of a hold on me, I was always much more interested in other things and found the notion too imponderable to be worth bothering with) I decided to try out his suggestion for the sake of the exercise.
We’d been doing a lot of work with guardian angels and he also said I should ask for their protection before going, or trying to go. When I went to lie down in bed in order to think about this, I was oddly not in the mood for meditation (unlike every other night at that time), was not feeling ‘spiritual’ and was more inclined to go to the pub, to be frank.
It was before midnight, I wasn’t tired, didn’t know what to expect and had almost no expectations of getting anywhere anyway. I just didn’t care about Atlantis.
Nevertheless – and almost cursorily, I must admit – I said a brief prayer to the archangels, probably Michael in particular, in which I said something along the lines of. “I’m meant to be going to Atlantis, my buddy thinks it’s a good idea, would you please protect me if you also think it’s a good idea for me to go.”
About 3 seconds later, somewhat to my surprise, I saw through open eyes with second sight a big fish headed being appear to my left above the bed.