Spirit Child

The spirit child within my soul

I feel freed of enchantment.

In heart-high gladness has

The holy cosmic Word engendered

The heavenly fruit of hope,

Which grows rejoicing into worlds afar

Out of my being’s godly roots.

Rudolf Steiner, Calendar of the Soul, Christmas

Warmth about the Heart

This hour of sunless gloom

Evokes a forceful impulse in the soul

To open and reveal the strength in her,

To make her way into the darkest places

And there what senses later shall impart

Feel as a telling warmth about the heart.

Rudolf Steiner, Calendar of the Soul

Releasing Energy

Light – is it Sunlight? – out from Spirit-deeps

struggles to shine;

translated into lively strength of will

clear through the cloudiness of sense it burns,

releasing energy that turns

passionate drives into creative thrust

that ripens into work amongst mankind

Rudolf Steiner, Calendar of the Soul, Thirty-first week

Secretive Memory

flowers of summer
flowers of summer

Henceforth be all my aim

to wrap secretive memory around

the New conceived within me,

waking and making strong

powers that to me belong

so that I grow up to become Myself.

Rudolf Steiner, Calendar of the Soul, August 11 – 17