
I can’t have been back in the room for more than a second when I was drawn back into the astral or spirit world, whatever it is (no place I’d ever seen before). When I reappeared it was to an entirely less troubling scene. I was walking forwards onto land beneath a cornflower blue sky (the sky so often looks that way in the spiritual dimension?) on a path towards a building that I knew was there but could not see.

I am not sure if this makes sense, but I find that in this dimension one’s vision is restricted in a way. One sees what is before one’s eyes and the rest unfolds. It can be like tunnel vision. What I could see was a low outer wall with an opening in the middle, clearly some sort of entrance or gateway.

Sitting on the left of the opening was a young woman with long black hair wearing a knee-length white toga or chiton. She was sitting kind of sideways and shielding her face with her hand. It was obvious I should not see her face and had I thought about this fact for a bit longer it would probably have scared me a bit.

As soon as I registered her presence I arrived at the next scene (time and space has no meaning there, things unfold according to one’s understanding of them, with full consciousness or comprehension triggering the transition).

I was somehow inside the building with the girl walking beside me on the left. I vigilantly tried to observe my surroundings for outstanding detail, but it was quite dark – it seemed to be a basement – and everywhere was plain marble or stone. There were columns and I remember being surprised and even a little disappointed that there was not any kind of decoration on the walls that I could see.

The room itself was not normally shaped, comprising of weird angles. It seemed like a corridor. As I made this mental note about the décor I was led to look at the floor, and saw that we were following a path of square tiles, about 12” across, that were uniformly patterned with simple black swastika shapes.

Pisces – Capricorn

Even with my understanding of myths, astrology and so on I was flabbergasted. I have been in some odd situations and seen some really strange things – in lucid dreams, visions or astral projections – and those experiences always give you something to be surprised about, but nothing like this. If it had just been a second-sight it wouldn’t have been so weird, but by this point I was completely out of it, I wasn’t with my body.

This being was about 20 feet away and I saw him in profile. He was dark because it was dark down there, he had short dark curly hair and his arms were kind of outstretched at right angles as if he was holding something.

His torso was like a muscular man and his bottom half was a very long, corkscrew-shaped tail. I was slack jawed with amazement and my very first thought was, oh my God, if I can see him, can he see me?! I pretty much never get scared in these types of situations, but I was on the edge of panic, terrified in case he saw me. What would have happened!

I didn’t feel I was invisible like I am sometimes in potentially dangerous places. It didn’t help that I have for long had a morbid fear of deep water (I have vertigo) and could feel myself on the edge of losing control; not what you want in that state.

Fervently praying that I would not be spotted, after about 10 or 15 seconds of staring at this thing (it felt like forever) I had a sudden and bizarre ‘Eureka!’ moment that came from absolutely nowhere. For some reason the word ‘Capricorn’ sprang to mind and for some other reason this made me feel as if I’d somehow fathomed a massive secret or puzzle.

I was instantly elated – like one of those people in a film who against all odds escapes the flooding room as the water reaches the ceiling – and another split second later popped back into my body in the bedroom. Of course I was relieved as well as euphoric, with the unaccountable feeling that I’d passed some sort of test.