I am here

Lucas perceived a distinctly audible humming noise in the air, which started to sound increasingly like a distant rush of water, falling fast and strong over ancient stones from a very great height.
Endlessly falling, relentlessly rushing….
Or perhaps he was hearing static from the Earth’s electromagnetic field; maybe even the noise made by a pulsating group of planets or stars?
Shortly before he lost his mind completely, Lucas was destined to vaguely wonder why he had never noticed that unmistakable sound before.
The woman began to speak and at first her tone surprised him so much it was a shock. Two seconds later and her every word was like music to his bewitched ears.
“Je t’aime, te amo, ad infinitum.”
She was breathing deeply, her chest rising and falling with emotion, her hands lying on her thighs with the palms turned upwards.
Suddenly, supernaturally – apparently out of nowhere – Lucas perceived a voice of indefinable gender or origin. The resoundingly clear tone seemed to be coming from the centre of his head and to hear it was, somehow, the most beautiful sound he had ever experienced.
Even though the words were in a foreign language, he understood them perfectly:
I am here
The last thing Lucas thought was:
Who is here?