Evil Banished

I turned around again and the force of the wind struck me like a ton of bricks. Overcoming it seemed impossible. The only hope I had was that if I could somehow ‘see myself’ I might snap out of the ‘alternative’ state I was stuck in.

Inching around the walls in the same direction as I’d been going before, still away from the window, I finally reached the wardrobe’s floor to ceiling mirrors. The pressure of the wind was almost unbearable. I gripped the handles of the mirror and forced myself to look at my self, for some reason finding the sight so disturbing that I dared not look closely at my face and most definitely not directly into my eyes.

I was too terrified that I might see a demon to dare look into my eyes. By now I was on the edge of blind panic. I was desperate. What should I do?

Having managed to see myself, I could only think that the next step was to hear myself. The thought of managing to speak seemed so tremendous that I hoped it might constitute an act of will sufficient ‘save’ me.

If the sight of myself had been scary even in this context (for some reason I find it really disturbing seeing any part of my astral body when in another dimensional state), hearing my voice was so distressing that only the thought of certain oblivion if I didn’t pushed me to speak.

It sounded so guttural, warped and ‘demonic’ that I felt indescribably shocked. All the same, I knew that I had to speak in order to live and even though I didn’t know what to say and hadn’t had a chance to even think about it, I managed to get out the words:

God help me

In an absolute split second – so instantaneous that it surprised me at least as much as anything that had gone on before – I was back on the bed with my eyes wide open and one hand on my head. I was like, ‘woaaahhh, what the hell just happened there?’
I was totally alert. It was like I’d been running for dear life to escape a cyclone with no apparent means of escape, but had been lifted spontaneously into complete safety and was henceforth in a place where all the other safe people lived.

Fear was dispelled utterly. I sat up on one elbow and turned to look at the clock. It was still between 1 and 2, round about 1.38. Something had clearly happened ‘in time’.

Feeling immensely relieved, as if I’d had a seriously lucky escape, I quickly fell into a deep and restful sleep, secure in the knowledge that the evil had been well and truly banished.

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