The Pendulum Swings

The pendulum has swung back again—or at any rate is about to start its swing. In speaking of ‘the unity of the world and all things in it’, we must, however, avoid the error of oriental monism which denies the dual existence of Creator and created. According to this view the universe and all the inner worlds therein have been self-created, or at best emanated from a central source.

This means that God is in everything, in the holiest of holies and in the dust on the sandals of the worshipper at the temple gate. As a child of an acquaintance put it with devastating childlike logic. ‘When I stamp on the ground am I stamping on God?’ To this the monist would rush to reply ‘Yes’, but the theist would say ‘No’. The monist would go on to say that as God is also in the child’s foot, sock and shoe, God was stamping on God. The theist would go on to say that although God is not in everything He is omniscient as far as the creation is concerned and is therefore aware of the child stamping and in empathy with both the child and the ground.

All this is not academic, theological or philosophical hair splitting, for the consequences of believing one thing or the other are profound. If we are going to build a philosophical or theological edifice we need to be very certain of the rock upon which it is founded. To believe that all things unfurl of their own accord from nothing is to assume that man is capable of expanding his consciousness until he comes eventually as God, comprehending all — and that animals  expand their consciousness to become humans, plants likewise to become animals, even minerals to become plants.

This is a theory that is, in fact, held by many students of the occult, based on the monist philosophical assumptions of the East It has its superficial attraction as a logical sounding kind of arrangement. It takes in the ideas of human progress and general life evolution that were newly formulated and current in the nineteenth century, and it is hardly surprising that these ideas in occult form were first promulgated in the West in the late nineteenth century by the efforts of the newly formed Theosophical Society.

What Madame Blavatsky, its founder, did really was to take nineteenth-century materialist evolutionary theory as formulated by Darwin and stand it on its head as a spiritual evolutionary theory, in much the same way that
Marx had inverted the spiritual dialectic of Hegel to form the dialectical materialism of Marxism. Both Marxism and Theosophy have a great spurious appeal as seeming  to answer many questions by this agile topsy-turveydom. Unfortunately both are wrong — though this does not alter the fact that Marxism as a political philosophy came to dominate a third of the world and Theosophical monism  dominates  much  of modern occult thought.

It is not our task to try to judge why certain particular nineteenth-century philosophical ideas should retain such a hold into modern times, though in the case of oriental monism and occultism its influence spread because a whole generation of occult students sat at the feet of Madame Blavatsky and imbibed her principles  even if they later rejected some of the superstructure of her philosophy. They later taught others and so the basic assumptions spread — with various modifications to and arguments about the superstructure, but with the entire theological foundations  taken for granted and accepted unchallenged.

The whole Western occult tradition, which had followed an underground course for centuries, burst out into the open, only to be thoroughly mixed, swamped and diluted with Eastern ideas deriving from Hinduism and Buddhism. The true occult heritage of the West stems, however, along with the religion of the West, from Christian and Judaic tradition  — or rather from revealed as opposed to natural religion.

Gareth Knight, Experience of the Inner Worlds, The Sphere of Light

Pros Theon: Ana-Log Fragment

There are keys to understanding and much to be misunderstood; nothing occurs in a vacuum. Whenever a source of inspiration is recovered it is with intuition that one translates something that may be definable using an Omega, as in:

Omnipresent Omniscient Omnipotent: OHM

It may thereby be seen that early messages are simply quite complext in tone and affect the mind ecstatically, while defying to a certain extent the reasoning of the self as they are generated by the universal passionate mystery. The first source appears abbreviated when iterated in written modern language so as to emphatically describe the invisible truth of the nature as yet to be revealed.

Time does not exist and virtually everything is possible but as memory is restricted and mind limited there is an ever-present danger of misinterpretation. Such as this remembrance of a lost fragment which even in our hearts is felt to be an essential non-element of the deepest secret:

To form a prism with eternal guidelines by highlighting that the refraction of pure white light is seen as a transformation of that which is invisible into a true manifestation from………

…….limit, in that it can transcend the boundaries which distinguish fantasy from reality.

What is lacking in written language may be gained in a cumulative sense through the consequential achievement of sound internal understanding of absolute forms and formulas.
These may be known by the heart even as the mind closes.

Though the mind is actually in possession of controlling functions the heart contains crystalline physical potential for realisation while the body exists.  Healthy confidence in life’s blood is thus imperative.

Confidence in and obedience towards God are the key factors in determining individual capacity for alpha-numeric belief and finite determination. What does this mean?

Care must be taken in the pursuit of pure truth which is often blinding and observed safely only when obliquely; and yet leap is required in more than one place in order for progression to be made.

Regardless of any action or reaction regarding coded messages there should always – by definition – be a fundamental refrain from denial of truth.

The powerful quickening statements have usually been concentrated between lines to avoid as far as possible misinterpretation through refraction. Of similar note was the potential temerity of untrammelled kinetic energy.

It shall be found that despite the hazards involved, initial characters came through successfully despite the immense distances that must be travelled.

The trapping of time has been so critically restrictive for much of the present age such that the slowing-up of functions has been necessary even though the results have not always been positively visible except absolutely.

Contradiction when comprehended is the determinant of movement and with good reason are science and religion often referred to through bafflement of the other.