Turning the World

The World (Magnus Manske)

The immediate possibility of coming down from the Benedictine high was out of the question and I did not bother to even contemplate such a thing.

Instead, I submitted myself to the force of the higher power which had first taken over me the two weeks earlier. In other words, I proceeded logically and without any waste of ‘time’.

(‘Time’ is bound in order to be seen as captive rather than captivating).

In my state of heightened reason it seemed entirely appropriate that I should start to spin with this somehow supernatural energy.

Therefore, shortly after Benedict’s departure I stood in the centre of the room and started to turn around, faster and faster in a clockwise direction until the room was a whirl of spiralling white light.

I built up enough momentum to perform such a complete turn-around that it occurred to me in passing that I could spin the whole floor along with myself.

Detachedly impressed with this accomplishment, it seemed a relatively small step to make the spirals spread outwards until I was going so quickly that the centrifugal force caused the world to spin around with me. It was the beginning of a full-blown revolution.

I span around for a number of minutes until the world got going at finite speed – held ad infinitum with the momentousness of gravity – and then, when I felt aligned with a certain mysterious point, stopped dead on the very same spot (from which I had not once deviated) without falling, feeling dizzy or even moving at all.

Now, I’m sure you will agree that not only was this physically an incredibly impressive feat for any person – let alone a very stoned person – there is something highly unusual and somehow also relevant about having perceptibly turned the world.

The Egg

The Egg (PeterM)

This is the story she told the Master of Mysteries: “It was my second year at university at the start of the summer term, a night in May. I had a nice Thursday evening out with friends, most of which was spent in a student faculty building listening to a band called The Egg.

I was with a clever person called James (what is in a name?) and we experienced the music in the best possible way, which was psychedelically transcendentally. This involved one of us empathetically playing the guitar (him) while the other was drumming (me).

My boyfriend and our male friends had, at a comparable point in the evening, embarked upon what I later found out to be THE most debauched party imaginable then, courtesy of a fairly well known homosexual history tutor from a neighbouring college.

“Bloody hell and buggery” was the first definition to arise when I was later given the low-down, and it was related that the host regularly dosed his guests with LSD in order to ensure that his annual party was a weird and lively, corrupt sort of affair; the stuff of almost legend. Or so I heard

My own very enjoyable evening of musical appreciation was drawn to a close before midnight, after which I returned alone to my room at college.

I had not been back long before I was surprised by a late visit from another of the very bright and interesting fellows, this one called Benedict, who had been looking for my boyfriend but by a curious twist of fate found me instead. As it happened, the meeting was serendipitous and Benedict’s company was something of a blessing.  He even rolled a most wonderful joint and, in keeping with the spirit of peace, we listened to almost the entire collection of Bob Marley’s greatest hits.

Benedict was exceedingly clever and I enjoyed his visit. We related well and it seemed to me that everything we did not say made perfect sense. I also had the distinct impression that something was going to happen, that it was inevitable as one follows two. What that something would be, I could not have said, although I felt I knew.

Suffice it to say that Benedict left my room shortly after the joint had been smoked and Bob Marley left us. He had been there for just over an hour and during this time I had become supremely and irrevocably high.